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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Party Political!!!! A dialog between friends.........

A Dialog of friends who represent the far Left to the Extreme Right!

Friend 1:  Unfortunately our country is governed by only 2 partys. Its time we as a country leave the wedge issus alone I.e abortion and religion. We need to look at what one of the two best supports you and your families economic status. The facts are for real Dems are for the working class and the repubs are for the rich people its really that simple. If your not registered to vote get registered asap.

Friend 2:  The majority of both serve the interests of the lobbyists of multinational corporations that pay huge sums of money to get them elected! 

Politicians are primarily for themselves and their cronies, regardless of which party they represent. ... There is little between the major parties in the US or in the UK, they all seem to serve an oligarchy of corporate interests. They only think about the people when they need our vote to rubber stamp their agenda. Don't think that's true? Think about that if you have ever been fortunate enough to go through bureaucratic red tape if you were fighting through the legal system, registering your business, applying for a drivers license, waiting in line to vote....... It never really dawns on us if we go through the channels of government to get something done why we do what we do.....we have been conditioned to not question government, "Trust the system" or "Support your local politician".......try getting your politician to come to your house for up to his office and see if you can have 5 minutes of his time, just to "talk"...... Do you think a Democrat is going to act any different than a Republican if one of their constituents did any of these things? No, probably not! You know what's crazy? I have seen in the past months talking to legislators, on both sides of the lines that affect all of when it comes to certain issues, doesn't matter how much of a Democrat a politician is; when it comes to certain can be political suicide, and no matter how needed reform may be to be, no matter how much of a need there is to introduce Bills that would benefit all constituents from either party....some won't touch with a 100 foot pole.... no matter the positive payoff the public can benefit...if it affects crossing lines with their biggest political financial backer, which are usually corporations that buy politicians every election, those Democrats and Republicans run quicker than quick to avoid pissing on the corporate hand that feeds them! What we need, isn't a 2 party system, we need to take away the salaries of our politicians and see what sort of person wants to run in government, and lets see what happens then! That would include corporate lobbying! Let's see how quick political values return to their truest form of what being a Democrat or a Republican is all about! Let's see how much of a social economic gap there is then!

Now, I understand this doesn't do anything for the immediate. We need help now, but if we continue being conditioned to allow government to run business as usual, and vote for the lesser of the two evils, we will stay in the situation we are in now.....(Democrat and Republican alike are responsible for the bad decisions that have been made in the past that are evident today; the bad fruit we must eat because if their greed! Believe it or don't, but even Clinton had his part in bad decisions that have contributed to the other bad decisions that were made during the 8 years of crap during the George W. Bush administration!) We need an overhaul in government, in legislation, in policy....overall we just need another revolution and do away with the garbage that has been going on, and that is still happening today!!!!

Friend 1:  You know friend, u got some real good points we do need to cut congress' salaries, add term limits, get lobbyists out of D.C. and yes a revolution would be nice. Lets be real though homie a revolution needs the masses and we can't even get t...he younger population to even vote. There's still a multitude of social programs the Dems fight for to keep our country moving forward a lot of Democratic congress men/women and Senators fight for the Commons everyday. Yes there are more and more Dems selling out to corporate interest but they are still the party of the working class. The reality is there are only 2 partys whether you dislike them or not so you can choose not to vote or even cast your vote inhopes to elect some third party no name and your vote goes into the 2% bucket. Look we the people started looking the other way along time ago and allowed sleaze bags to wiggle their way into OUR Government you wan't change start a voting drive get the young people involved. If your following the politics of today you should know who is for you and who's not, what bill's were filibustered or blocked, you would even what decisions the right leaning scouts ruled on. Imo the Dems are the "least of the two evils ". America needs to get their head out of there ass and quit being more involved with American idol, or gi ing a shit what Snookies next dumbass move is and start paying attention what's really going on! The tea party is the closest we'll get to a third party and if you don't like Government or its social programs or regulatory agencies the keep or food/water safe you can vote for them.

Friend 2: are very passionate about your views, and I can understand that frustration and drive of maybe why you are promoting young people to vote. Here is the bottom line....I'm neither a Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, or Libertarian.......I'm a Patriot. What that means, is not really apart of the mainstream. Media will never talk about what that means, because it can pull the covers of government as we know it. And THEY wouldn't want that...... If you had a stake in a mega conglomerate, would you tell everyone about it? Maybe, maybe not. I know I wouldn't. But here's the thing: Everything that came after the 10th Amendment is illegal. They are amendments that were illegally instilled into the constitution without correct administrative process after the civil war despite what the constitution was outlined to prevent. The hero that we think is a hero in ol' honest Abe Lincoln is not at all honest. As a matter of fact; when ever you look at the history of war, who gets to write the history of how the war went down? The supposed declared winners, right? Well, that's exactly what happened, and in sometimes writing history, a lot of small details that would otherwise make a difference in the way that a story is told, would be altered because it does not fit with the way that the "winner" would like to record history! Okay, so it started with that event in our history.....the next to happen was when the united states of America went bankrupt in the early 1930' what was the event that happened then? The people's substance was taken away, and replaced with the concept of faith in our monetary system, thus the Federal Reserve was created. So here's what happened in place of the gold and silver standards: At one time in our history, you take the currency we had before that said, Promissory Note Tender to any bank, and exchange that for the value of the amount of gold or silver that was obligated for that nomination of bill. So if you had a $1.00 or $100.00 Promissory Note Tender, the bank would give you that same amount equaled in gold or silver. When the government went bankrupt a lot of different things happened. First the bankruptcy was not called that, it was called Black Tuesday, the Stock Market Crash. The currency of the American citizens changed from being backed by substance to being a currency based on credit. So the government created a privet bank called the Federal Reserve to lend itself money and at the same time had another branch that actually prints the money. Now the Federal Reserve is not, nor has ever been apart of the Federal Government....(by the way, the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOC, are not branches of government, they are now considered corporations, just like the Federal Reserve.) So in the panic of this Stock market crash, the substance was taken away because too many people were taking their gold and silver from the local banks, people panicked, the government couldn't guarantee that everyone standing in line at the banks would be able to get their gold or silver back. So they needed a fix, and this is the biggest lie in American history! Social Security was created, and jobs were created out of what was called "The New Deal", this is what happened to fix the problem: Now with the substance gone, the government had to replace it with something else; the New Deal said this; everyone who wants a job can have a job, when you get old, we are going to take care of you, if you get pregnant we will help you with hospital bills, food, and we can actually give you welfare to be able to survive! Everyone saw this as the saving grace to bring everyone out of the situation they were in! In exchange all we had to do was start registering our new born babies at the county to be able to have a better census of the population through out the nation! That's it...that's all...not a bad deal in the New Deal! Right? WRONG!!!! What happened was this; every time we register our children when they are born, you write down your baby's name on a certificate of Live Birth. The way you spell your baby's name is usually like this; John D. Doe, then that certificate is filed by your hospital or another like agent to the county, and the county then returns to you another certificate that now has your baby's name now spelled like this: JOHN D. DOE...what's the difference? What happened was, your baby's certificate of live birth was registered at the county, the county assigns the certificate a local number which will be found inside of the seal on the certificate once you get it back. This process is done all over the country and the Federal Territories....Then all of those numbers are pulled together with all the other babies that were born in the state on that day, and sent to Puerto Rico. (PR will NEVER become a state because it is considered within the 10 square miles of Washington DC under the 14th Amendment!!!) in PR there is a Federal Business office where all of the numbers are gone through an underwriting process, just like a house, or a car, or a boat...etc.....those then are sent to Lloyd s of London which is the world's biggest insuring company; there, they go through a bonding process, then they are insured and returned back to the US (corporation) business office, and they are bundled and sold through Fidelity Investments. They are resold to the public as Municipal Bonds, Mutual Bonds, and even for larger numbers, as Hedge Funds. What happened during this process was at the county level, we gave up our children to the US Corp. Government as collateral for the substance in monetary value for the Federal Reserve. Not knowing that we are doing that, in the process, the names of baby comes back in all CAP letters....they have been turned into mini corporations...because a corporation can not do business with a live man or woman..(check out how you spell your name vs. how your name looks when you get a letter from your bank, get paid, receive a bill, etc...they are all in caps.) we have given up our ownership of our name by our parents since the 1930's, and in return we get a Birth Certificate back from the County that is printed on American Bank Note Paper...which is the same stuff our money today is printed on, as well as our bank bonds, Our deeds of ownership after mortgages are paid off.(check out the Blacks law definition of "Person" and "People" it's a term that describes a fictitious entity, or a corporation) The same process is also done by the US (corporation) with our soldiers who are overseas....they are insured, and if they die while on duty, the government has millions of dollars in insurance policies that are also underwritten by Lloyds of London. So when the soldier is killed, the family gets a death benefit of $25k dollars and the government gets a couple million. Prisoners, people who collect TANF, get Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, or get any other Federal Government service are all processed the same way..... If you connect the the bond number on your birth certificate that is printed on American Bank Note paper and the number that is located on the back of your social security card, you will have the routing number to the account that has been established to your account that was set up by that US (corporate) Federal Government. Don't believe me? Look at your own certificate and SS card...see if they are there....interesting also that if you go to Fidelity's web site on the bottom it says "This site is for U.S. persons only" (Mini corporations) So, why would I ever want to be apart of a system that has lied to the masses of it's own constituents for many years now..... How can I advocate people to vote for a lie?

Friend 1:   Damn Friend that was a fricken novel I just read more than my whole j.r. year. Lol waze out. Some of that is true we do have a dirty past. That knowledge is good to have but its not gonna change the fact we have kids in public school that is o...n dyer meed of funding, the fact we have an elderly population that needs social security to survive (I really don't think they care about the history of the new deal). Our country's infrastructure is crumbling and inside knowledge won't get those bridges and roads fixed. Our food and water needs regulations so we aren't killed by major corps that really only care about profit first ans safety second, not trusting the media won't do that. We have American families that work their ass off and afford health insurance for their kids, complaining about fed won't keep medicaid solvant. We have elderly Americans with health issues that private insurance won't cover unless they have thousands to pay for it, calling President Lincoln a fraud won't keep med-care solvent. My point is this, we the people still have a say look what's happening in Wisconsin on tues. the repubs who wanted to wreck the lives of the working class are facing a recall by the people with strong opposition from the billionaire Koch brothers. The Democrats are our only hope their the party who tries to pass laws and create revenue to ensure we the common people have a fighting chance. I gotta say Friend you kinda sound like a libertarian you may not be one but your views are right on par with theirs. Look I'm a proud Democrat and even though some in our our congress has been corrupted by corp. Interest I still have faith in our country. I can respect your passion as well brother. Hopefully you'll see the light and vote Obama 2012! Lol

Friend 2:  Friend....The language I used in the context regarding politics is neither Democratic, Republican, Tea Party, and definitely not Libertarian. The perspective that I am coming from is that of a Sovereign Citizen, in other words; a Patriot,... and I have no interest in seeing any rouge and tyrannical government continue under any title or label, doesn't matter if it is Democrat or Republican or whatever. I have never seen any of these parties refer to government the way that I have outlined. Libertarians are just Republicans who smoke pot. I don't smoke pot anymore....for about 12 years now.... and if I was ever to entertain being a republican, it would be referenced from when the party originated, not what they stand for now. Democrat as well. 

You see, I do talk to legislatures, I know who my district representative is, and I have gone to the capital to speak on the legislative floor to change law this past May 2011, in pursuit of Legislative, Judicial, Executive policy reform. I have been in the Denver Post newspaper recently in June 2011, on the Fox station in Colorado Springs, and I have seen things slowly change. I am seeking the advancement of our community, and seeking out balance within a society that is stuck, numbed, mute, and sometimes forgotten. I have to work within a behemoth of government that is completely broken, and it's a game that everyone is forced to use because we have no other set of rules to play by (for now....) So, I definitely understand the reality of what the current political climate of our state is like, as well as the impact of government from their Federal levels. I have learned now, to be able to access my Diplomatic immunity, and have found that it is a good idea to buy all the gold I can and make sure that I have a whole lot of ammunition and bottled water! There will be a day of reckoning soon! That is for sure!!! But I do what I do, because I still give a damn about my community. I just don't believe in doing my own part, the same way as the mainstream community is doing it.

In regards to registering to vote and voting Democrat in 2012....not a chance. Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over by the time I do anything like that. I am doing something that is effective in another way, but I will not be apart of perpetuating a de facto government and allowing it to use me as a collateral agent for it's revenue generating machine. BUT, I will continue doing work at the micro-economic and micro-government levels. I will work within, but I WILL NOT be apart!!!

My calling has been to educate, I understand not everyone will learn, or even wants to.....but I keep moving forward. There is a bigger picture that is at play here, and it does not revolve around what party is heading up government, rather it has a whole lot to do with the people who run the game from behind the scenes. Now THAT, my friend has been very interesting to discover.

God Bless you in your endeavors Friend!

Friend 2:  LOL!!! Ooops....well Friend, enjoy the volumes of chapters that I have written for you! LOL!!!! Geez! LOL!!!

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